Many large organizations need to know that their BPM solutions based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) can scale to meet the needs of massive numbers of users. Government agencies, consumer retailers, retail banks, healthcare payers and providers, for example, need to be able to provide access to tens of thousands of concurrent on-line users. BPM is not just work baskets in a small department; it is the future of how organizations function. In this whitepaper “Proving SmartBPM™ Scalability”, Pegasystems and IBM provide objective and quantifiable proof that there is at least one BPM solution ready for the true challenges of scalability.
The Role of Process Governance in BPM+: Ensuring Compliance and Control in Automated Environments
The Role of Process Governance in BPM+: Ensuring Compliance and Control in Automated Environments In today’s fast-paced business world, companies rely on automated processes to maintain agility and meet customer demands. However, with increased automation comes the...